Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poetry Has NO Rules

From a beginner in it all,

To a blogging star.
I've learned a lot in this class,
I've learned that most importantly, Walgreens has a special aisle for when you're getting some ass. (Thank you Mia)
I've learned that poetry can be quirky and fun like the Language of a Tomato
And that poetry can make me proud to be an American like America.
I've learned that you can use similes and metaphors (see I just used two),
I've learned that I can make you feel sorry for a washed up pop princess like Lost Louisiana Lady.
But one thing I've learned that trumps it all is that poetry has no rules.
I can be funny, sadly, melancholy, or really really really super ridiculously happy :-)
I can make up words tat sem no no any make logic, know what I mean?
I can be honest, or lie, or do a little of both (PEANUT BUTTER!- no I promise I never lied)

Poetry was once 1 dimensional to me
But now has more than 360 angles to be viewed from.
I thought it had to have a meter and some rhyme but that's just a lie.
I thought poetry was only for little kids but I don't Amiri Barak is a little kid.
I know that poetry can mean everything or nothing, can be 3 words or 300 pages.

And so now we leave the class with a little more class than before,
Some knowledge acquired and possibly some pounds (mhhmm those cookies).

Mocktail parties here we come!